Thursday, July 02, 2015

Through Kids' Eyes

So a former college buddy put this up on his Facebook page, ostensibly to validate the recent SCOTUS ruling via the oft-used, but flawed, "wisdom of innocents" tactic ('See, even a 10 year knows this!'), but probably more to flaunt his own enlightened bona fides to his Facebook audience:
Discussing the front page of the paper this morning with [my son]:
Me: "So now people can get married to whoever they want. It used to be only men and women could marry each other."
His Son: "Why?
I had a similar conversation with my tyke, but it went like this:
Me:  "So now people can get married to whoever they want. It used to be only men and women could marry each other."
Baseball Tyke: "Fine, but if all the boys married boys and all the girls married girls, where would future babies come from?"

Ah, ancient wisdom from the mouths' of babes.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that his hypothetical is what our betters want and they'll grow all the babies we need in the lab.


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