Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Seed Corn of Tyranny Is Everywhere

Just three examples, because, well, no one has time to go through it all.

So Lois Lerner was trying to get the Justice Department to go after conservative/Tea Party groups exercising their First Amendment rights, Tim Geithner threatened the Chairman of McGraw-Hill (owner of Standard & Poor's) over its downgrade of US debt, and an armed-to-the-teeth Bureau of Land Management mobilizes over cattle or tortoises or something...

...and you don't think we are living under a gangsterized government?  We've been cowed too long into refraining from calling like it is (otherwise we are wing-nuts, right?) but how much more evidence do we need before we realize that Obama and his ilk are the seed corn of tyranny.  When what they want clashes with your rights, your rights seem to lose.

Let's get with the program, they will enslave us all if they could, and they're trying.


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