Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Marketing Wisdom

Lesson for Google, et al.  Despite conventional wisdom to the contrary (sometimes with some merit), if Americans don't like where you are taking them, they simply won't go

This is happening with ObamaCare, but it is more obvious in other realms, such as transportation.  Notice all those Segways that people are tooling around town on?  I didn't think so.  CitiBike in NYC is flailing.  Light rail sytems are wildly unpopular.  Americans like travelling around in cars, and they have steadfastly rejected the best laid plans of their betters to get them out of their cars.

If Americans don't want to be surveilled and have their any twitch algorithmed into a sales pitch, they won't.  Give them enormously productive and/or fun tools that they never dreamed of, yes, they'll flock to you.  Abuse your customer relationahip with them and act like you own them, you're toast.


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