Thursday, April 24, 2014

Did Cliven Bundy Echo a Nobel Economist...??? Yes.

So, elites are attempting to decimate what little standing they feel Cliven Bundy has left with America using their preferred method...accusations of racism.

Now, let's preface this with the fact that I agree with Hinderaker that Bundy does not deserve our sympathy from a legal perspective, but from, well, something else, and I agree with VDH, that it might be a case where I'd rather be wrong with Bundy than right with the BLM.

So, all that said, here is what Bundy said...
“That’s exactly what I said. I said I’m wondering if they’re better off under government subsidy, and their young women are having the abortions and their young men are in jail, and their older women and their children are standing, sitting out on the cement porch without nothing to do, you know, I’m wondering: Are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were when they were slaves, and they was able to have their family structure together, and the chickens and garden, and the people had something to do? And so, in my mind I’m wondering, are they better off being slaves, in that sense, or better off being slaves to the United States government, in the sense of the subsidies. I’m wondering. That’s what. And the statement was right. I am wondering.”
Which is inelegant and arguably superficially shocking, but it is the exact same argument made in a path-breaking book by a Nobel prize winning economist, Time on the Cross.

I mentioned Time on the Cross before.

I had a professor in college who got in hot water because he talked about the themes of Time on the Cross (and this was in the 1980s, he'd run up the flagpole by his genitals today).

Bundy's comments may be shocking to some, but this discussion is neither new nor crackpot, as the NYTimes's piece (and this predictable piece) is intended to have you believe.


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