Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Rant: Dumb Sluts vs. Little Boys

Gosh bloody darn it!  

I'm the father of a football-crazy 10 year old boy and his hero-du-jour is Colin Kaepernick, who replaced Jameis Winston last week or last month (I can't keep up).  {Hey, I'm sorry, I've tried to get the kid to idolize Friedrich Hayek, Pope John Paul II, Alexander Hamilton, Margaret Thatcher and a host of others, but gimme a break, he's f**king's no sale.  Call me a bad parent, whatever}  Anyway, the kid spends his limited computer time trying to study and admire the football field exploits of these athletes, and all he seems to read about is jilted, vindictive, ignorant sluts.

Ugh.  Here is the latest semi-prurient non-story.  Let's sum up:  1) I banged him at least once already, 2) I went to his hotel room to drink booze and smoke pot, 3) I woke up naked and not knowing what happened, 4) I file a police report...

Good God!

Listen,  I bow to no one in my concern for young women's safety, well-being, and protection from predatory men (I'm a father of two precious and beautiful princesses, after all), but puhleeeeeze, ladies.  Grow up.  Wake up. Make some goddam decent choices in your miserable lives.

But, at the end of the day...if you are incapable of any bloody common sense, after you've made a series of idiotic choices...

Please, shut up!

You are crushing the dreams of millions of little boys by unfairly painting their temporary heroes as rapist pigs. 

Let's go after the real miscreants, let's lock the actual sexual abusers up and throw away the keys, but let's not teach our boys that the default mode of famous people is criminal sexuality when it's not. 

So here is my plea...grow up dumb, slutty football hoes!  You are ruining childhood for little boys.

UPDATE:  Apologies for the formatting.  This new browser (I uninstalled Firefox!) is not taking to Blogger very well...


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